In the Garden

As spring awakens, you’ll enter a vibrant Garden of Eden and experience the story of creation in music through In the Beginning by Aaron Copland. This magnificent work illuminates Genesis and each of seven days in a lively narrative between soloist and choir. Inspired by texts from the sensual Song of Songs, you’ll hear Bairstow’s romantic I Sat Down Under His Shadow and Clausen’s robust Set Me as a Seal whose rushing waters cannot quench love, along with McCray’s divine Rise Up, My Love and Nigra Sum by Casals that capture the words of renewal and love. Both playful and profound, the Hymn to St. Cecilia by Britten introduces us to the patron saint of music, Cecilia, who reminds us of the power of music to inspire and transform mere mortals, like us. Join us for a beguiling and energetic program to usher in the living sounds of spring.

Spring Concert

May 11, 2013, 8:00 PM
St. Bartholomew Catholic Church
Wayzata, MN