2013-2014 Guest Conductors

Dr. Craig Arnold

After completing tenure as Director of Choral Activities and Conductor of the internationally renowned Nordic Choir at Luther College, Craig Arnold is Artistic Director and Chairman of Manhattan Concert Productions, a New York City-based production company he founded in 1999.  He also conducts the Manhattan Chorale.  Arnold holds degrees from St. Olaf College, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and doctorate in conducting from Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY. 

Mark Stover

Mark serves as Minister of Worship, Music and Arts at Colonial Church in Edina where he conducts the Colonial Chorale, Chamber Singers, and leads the Worship Band.  Stover earned degrees from St. Olaf College and Luther Seminary under mentors Dr. Anton Armstrong and Dr. Paul Westermeyer.  Mark has been appointed as sabbatical replacement Instructor in Music at St. Olaf for spring semester 2014, conducting the St. Olaf Choir, Collegiate Chorale and teaching choral conducting.  Mark, his wife Julie, and newborn son Jack, live in Minneapolis.

Dr. Allen Hightower

Allen Hightower is Professor of Music at Luther College where he serves as conductor of Nordic Choir, Artistic Director of Christmas at Luther and Director of Choral Activities.  Among numerous past appointments, Hightower has served as a church musician, conductor of the Chamber Choir at California State University, Long Beach and Artistic Director and Conductor of Houston Masterworks Chorus and Orchestra.  He holds degrees from Sam Houston State University, Eastman School of Music, Baylor University and UCLA.  He and his wife Dr. Kristin Hightower live in Decorah with their two daughters.

Dr. Anton Armstrong

Anton Armstrong became the fourth conductor of the St. Olaf Choir in 1990 after ten years in Grand Rapids, MI where he taught at Calvin College and led the Calvin College Alumni Choir, Grand Rapids Symphony Chorus, and St. Cecilia Youth Chorale.  He is a graduate of St. Olaf College and earned advanced degrees at University of Illinois and Michigan State University.  He is editor of Earthsongs Publications and co-editor of the revised St. Olaf Choral Series.  Among many other distinguished awards, Armstrong received the Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching in 2006 from Baylor University.